Mobile robotic studying system
Audio(4 microphones and 2 loudspeakers)
Video(2 HD cameras 1200 x 960)
Inertial unit (3-axis accelerometer, and 2-axis gyrometer) and Sonars
Sensors (pressure FSR, bumpers, tactile)
Servo-motors (coreless motors withhall effect sensors)
Grip (prehensile hands with 3 operable fingers)
Intel Atom 1.6 GHz CPU with 1 GB RAM and 8 GB Micro SDHC (text-to-speech, Image and voice recognition…)
WiFi and Ethernet modules
Lithium-ion battery (90 minutes autonomy)
Functional analysis and SysMLdescription
Information chain architecture
Study of motion andcommunication
Study of controllers used on NAO
Development and testing of new algorithms(eg: sight…)
Project: Develop applications for NAO, invent missions for NAO
Project: Design software architecture for activities (eg: NAO monitors a room)
Motivating and fun for students, and a medium of communication for the institution
Open environment (Software suite for programming and data logging...)
AR//H25-EA: NAO humanoid Robot with SDK, Choregraphe, Monitor, 10 licenses-
AR//SW-WNAO: Webots software for NAO, 1 license
NA10: Accessory kit for training activities (weights, ultrasonic sensors, Wi-Fi router, IR Remote control...)
NA11: Training system for NAO Foot+Ankle control
NA12: “Foot+Ankle” mechanical set
AR//SW-CSDK-U: Software suite Choregraphe, Monitor, SDK, site license
AR//SW-WNAO10: Webots software for NAO, 10 licenses