Klima Wall / Oil / Condens

Interactive 3D software for training in boiler troubleshooting techniques

Presentation :

Klima Mural and Klima Condens allow you to understand, troubleshoot and adjust wall-mounted boilers. Interactive 3D software and use of 7 diagnostic tools

  • Quizz with 180 questions
  • Upgrade information and communication on novelties
  • 140 Troubleshooting with boiler and failure selection
  • Synoptics: heating, suction cup heating, instantaneous DHW and storage tank DHW
  • Scenarization of situations with several modes and video aids (120)

Klima Fioul permet de comprendre, dépanner, pratiquer et enternir les brûleurs fioul. Logiciel 3D intéractif et mesures avec 8 outils disponibles

  • Oil-fired boiler modeled in 3D and interactive
  • Intervention on troubleshooting and adjustments
  • Evolution on the boiler and the tank
  • Quizz with 100 questions

Strong points : 

Smartphone application (troubleshooting help, choice of fuel nozzle, slope and power calculation...)

Ideal for development and learning in schools or training centers.

Field Manuals 

Score tracking and training modes

Facilitate learning

Reference :

KF//KlimaMuralCondens : Interactive 3D interactive training software for troubleshooting of wall-mounted gas and condensing boilers

KF//KlimaFioul : Interactive 3D software for training to troubleshoot oil boilers


Videos :